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Cloud Hosting

Website vs Web Hosting, similarities and differences

When designing a website, there are many different components to consider. One of the most important factors is understanding the difference between web hosting and websites. Web hosting is a

Offsite Backup
Cloud Hosting

Unlock the Power of the Cloud with Megabit Cloud

As the world becomes more connected and technology advances, businesses of all sizes are rushing to take advantage of the immense power of the cloud. Cloud computing offers organizations various

Cloud Hosting

How Megabit is driving digital transformation in Rwanda

In a world where everything is going digital, people’s data security is paramount. That’s how Megabit took on a mission to provide services and products that not only facilitate people but also

Non-Profit Organization

Enable your business to thrive in a disruptive world

Digital Trust is a make or break for your business In today’s digital world where most business is done online and data breaches are becoming more common, digital trust has

Cloud Hosting

What is a vCPU?

What is a vCPU, or virtual processor, and how does it compare to a CPU? It’s the number one question that we receive from customers interested in purchasing cloud servers

Cloud Hosting

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is the place where all the files of your website live. It is like the home of your website where it actually lives. A good way to think

Domain name registration

What is a Domain Name?

Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser’s URL bar to visit your website. In other words, if your website was a house, then

Digital Transformation

Rwanda Domain Name (DotRw) Now Accessible On A Click

Rwanda has made a record of having fully automated the process of registration for its country domain name (dotRw) – becoming the sixth country in Africa to do so. Effective